Women's Travel Wisdom » Do Japanese Women Like American Men

Do Japanese Girls Like American Guys And How Can A Foreigner Meet A Japanese Girl?

A relationship with a Japanese girl may seem like a blessing from the skies, but you need to clearly understand do Japanese women like American men. The truth is that Eastern and Western worlds are quite different and not everyone is ready to fall head over heels for a foreigner. Therefore, we investigated the subject and even spoke with Japanese ladies to understand their preferences and needs. Find out do Japanese girls like American guys, what they’re attracted to, and where you can meet them!

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Japanese woman with western man

Dating Japanese brides is an experience that can be considered unique for a foreigner. In Japanese culture, things are accepted differently than in the USA. While you can ask a girl out hoping to get her interested, men and females in Japan clarify everything from the beginning. If you like someone, you must confess your feelings; if a lady likes you back, you become a couple.

We interviewed local women and got proof that Japanese girls like American men, but there’s another thing you should remember. The people here are less open to public displays of affection, so these social norms must be respected. You won’t be thrown to jail for holding hands or kissing, but you’ll get a few unpleasant glances or even judgemental remarks. Japanese believe it’s inappropriate to let others see your physical contact and lack of control over your emotions.

Also, Japanese women don’t expect you’ll keep texting and calling each other all the time. Don’t be surprised if your partner doesn’t reply for a whole day because it means she’s busy. In Japan, work is a big priority that requires total concentration. One more thing to take into account is that your appointments may be scheduled according to your calendars, and she’ll appreciate it if you respect this.

These are the most crucial aspects, but you can find out more about Japanese dating culture to understand what to expect.

In general, Japanese women like foreign men, but they’re attracted to the particular features they possess. Check out what local ladies see as positive:

  • US guys are respectful of other cultures. The USA is home to the representatives of numerous ethnic groups, and it’s not uncommon for locals to discover customs habitual to other nationalities. Japanese girls believe that an American partner won’t have any problem accepting differences and involving their traditions in a relationship.
  • US men are laidback. Although Americans are considered career-driven, it’s hard to compete with Japanese in terms of discipline and hard work. Japanese females strive to get more attention from their boyfriends. A US guy is a good specialist but he leaves the character of a professional at the office and dedicates his better self to his darling.
  • Americans are good at courtship. A US man wants to win a woman’s heart keeping a certain intrigue. He can be spontaneous, fun, generous with gifts, and romantic. Moreover, he knows how to be a gentleman. If you want to marry a Japanese woman, turn on chivalry to the fullest.
  • US partners are responsible. They can take care of themselves, their families, and their loved ones. They think about the future and save money to be able to provide their wives and children with everything.
  • American guys are positive and simple. Their optimism and straightforwardness attract Japanese girls a lot. While a Japanese can be reserved, having someone with the opposite nature is good for them. A US boyfriend won’t beat around the bush with his feelings and needs.

If you wonder do Japanese women like black men, they do, but all the mentioned features are required.

Japanese woman with black man

Certainly, dating a Japanese is different from dating an American girl:

The start of a relationship

US ladies are pretty confident to ask a man out first or express interest. Considering the mentioned confession, a Japanese girl can be the one who initiates a relationship, but it’s rare because she’s shy. With an American woman, you may meet not knowing whether you’re a couple at the beginning, but with a Japanese, it’s clear.

Special occasions

No doubt Japanese women like Western men, and when you start dating, you’ll feel it endlessly. Notice that on St Valentine’s Day, partners exchange gifts in the USA, there’s another tradition in Japan. Ladies give their boyfriends chocolate on the 14th of December and receive presents from them a month later, on White Day.

Display of affection

In America, it’s a usual thing to see a couple kissing or cuddling. Moreover, partners don’t mind acting romantically in front of their friends or posting photos with each other on social media. In Japan, it’s a taboo to demonstrate your passion, and privacy is strongly required.

Family involvement

A US lady will introduce you to her parents when you date seriously, but it’s not obligatory to be preparing for marriage. A Japanese woman might acquaint you with her mom and dad when everything goes to getting married. However, some girls can do this in the early stages of a relationship to get approval from them.

There may appear more differences, but you’ll learn everything when you find a local girlfriend. However, you can check more countries that love American men if anything bothers you.

Japanese girls like Western guys and they have a certain vision of how their relationship would develop. Here’s what a Japanese woman wants from you:

  • Responsibilities will be more equal. Many Japanese men expect their future wives to become housekeepers after getting married. However, ladies strive to build a career and see the involvement of a husband in doing chores and raising kids.
  • A partner will take the lead. There’s nothing to do with being a dominant partner but the one who can take care of his lady and knows her well to make decisions. 
  • He’ll understand her with no words. Once Japanese women are rather indirect in communication, you’ll have to learn to read between the lines. Of course, you’ll communicate, but some things will remain behind the curtains.
  • There will be harmony in a relationship. Aggression and impoliteness are a big red flag for Japanese girls. Therefore, they hope for a tranquil atmosphere in your couple. 
  • You’ll be faithful to each other. Around 40% of married men in Japan admitted they had marital affairs, so a local girl doesn’t want to face infidelity.

If you also want faithfulness and harmony in a relationship, a Japanese partner is right for you!

Japanese girl
Beautiful Japanese girl | Source: SakuraDate.com

So, where can you meet Japanese women looking for American men and start dating them? Check out the best online and offline options below!


  • International dating sites. To reach thousands of Japanese singles striving to have a Western boyfriend, register and create a good-looking profile. The benefit is that most women have serious intentions and seek genuine connection.
  • VR dating app. Japan is a futuristic country in all terms, so there is software that allows singles to search for partners in the virtual world. You can choose an avatar and have a scheduled conversation with a Japanese woman. 
  • Language exchange platforms. You can pick Japanese specifically to practice with someone if you know it at least a little. 


  • Visit to Japan. You may travel to this breathtaking country and try to meet local females at nightclubs, speed dates, festivals, etc. 
  • Konkatsu matchmaking parties. Typically, a marriage agency gives ads and chooses men and women looking for potential spouses according to certain criteria. Such meetings take place at hotels, restaurants, ships, etc.
  • Romance trip. In America, specialized services arrange travel for guys who want to meet Japanese women seeking American men. Everything is arranged, from tickets to accommodation and translation. There are group and individual journeys.

Use these recommendations to enjoy romantic dating when you’re in Japan:

  • Your date can take the whole day. Japanese are busy at work, but they really want to spend more time with their boyfriends than an hour or two in the evening.
  • No misunderstandings with PDA. If your girlfriend doesn’t want to kiss you or hold your hand, it doesn’t mean she doesn’t like you. It’s uncommon in Japan, so respect the culture.
  • Avoid taboo subjects. Speaking about income, political situation, or previous relationships is a bad tone in Japan.
  • Always be on time. Punctuality is a big deal in Japan, so if you’re late for a date, chances are a girl will just leave angry or disappointed. 
  • Pay the bill. Of course, a Japanese lady might offer to split the sum, but be a gentleman and take care of it. In general, it’s expected that a guy will cover restaurant expenses.

If you’re curious do Japanese women like white men, follow these tips to to attract them. 

Many Japanese women love US guys, but you should meet their preferences. For local girls, respect, faithfulness, attentiveness, and consideration toward their culture are important. So, keep the covered information in mind and you’ll definitely find a wonderful girlfriend from Japan.

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